Musica classica

Lo spazio dove discutere di tutte quelle sonorità difficili da circoscrivere in una categoria ben precisa (incluse le compilation più eterogenee), oppure di quelle sonorità meno riconducibili ai generi da noi trattati nello specifico, ma comunque degne di attenzione presso un certo tipo di pubblico…

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Re: Musica classica

Messaggioda Diòscuro » mer set 08, 2010 6:53 am

:-) Ottimi ascolti e suggerimenti.
A proposito di Schumann, per cui stravedo,
segnalo anche nel filone adagio-introspezione la Romanza 2 op. 28 : ... 1&index=21
"Sunt lacrimae rerum, et mentem mortalia tangunt" (Verg., Aen., I, 462)
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Iscritto il: ven lug 24, 2009 4:20 pm

Re: Musica classica

Messaggioda Diòscuro » mer set 08, 2010 4:59 pm

@Fedemone: aggiungo anche l'uso (talvolta) non solo d'ispirarsi a, ma di prelevare tout court
una base classica per un brano; come sempre gli esempi sarebbero innumerevoli, ma per oggi:

Mark Stewart costruisce il brano "Stranger than love" sulla (bellissima) Gymnopédie 1 di Eric Satie;

o per es. più di recente Berkana nel brano Vergänglichkeit (album "Lichtrad") canta/declama (a scelta :-))
sulla Mondscheinsonate di Beethoven ( 14,2)...
"Sunt lacrimae rerum, et mentem mortalia tangunt" (Verg., Aen., I, 462)
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Iscritto il: ven lug 24, 2009 4:20 pm

Re: Musica classica

Messaggioda sigur » lun set 20, 2010 6:17 am ... php?r=1748

e non dite che non vi diamo materiale per diventare più colti....gghghghh
una grandissima artista da ascoltare con intimo raccoglimento..
Alle sieben Sekunden stirbt ein deutscher Soldat.
Stalingrad: Massengrab!
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Re: Musica classica

Messaggioda Max Firinu » mer set 22, 2010 5:03 am

Qualcuno ha per caso ascoltato qualche disco di Lang Lang? A quanto pare è uno dei pianisti più quotati, negli ultimi tempi.
"Creare è dare una forma al proprio destino" Albert Camus
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Max Firinu
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Iscritto il: dom set 12, 2010 1:47 pm
Località: Rivoli (TO), Italia/Kezmarok, Slovensko

Re: Musica classica

Messaggioda Fedemone » gio apr 14, 2011 10:09 am

trovando su un altro forum altre interessantissime citraz<ioni, aggiunte a queste direi che possiamo arrivare un topic degno di una voce dell'enciclopedia ;)

Jón Leifs has been a favorite of mine for several decades with several compositions approaching near "industrial" intensity.

Some other favorites:

Krzysztof Penderecki - Threnody for the Victims of Hiroshima:

Krzysztof Penderecki- Dimensions of Time and Silence:

Krzysztof Penderecki- De Natura Sonoris No. 1:

Giacinto Scelsi- Elohim:

Giacinto Scelsi- Uaxuctum:

Giacinto Scelsi- Pfhat: ... re=related

Please check out greek composer Jani Christou, it doesn't get more brutal and darker than this.

Especially "Anparastasis III (The Pianist)" is amazing: ... 35&index=5 ... 35&index=6

bach's cello suite no. 2 in D minor always takes me to a very dark place for some reason. ... re=related

does churchmusic count?!?
Oxford Camerata - Gesualdo - Complete Sacred Music for Five Voices choral stuff and very recomended. I listened to this with good isolating buds at a hellish mall. very surreal because the tunes are so slow and overbearing. how heavy this is compared to penderecki is up for debate im sure. ive only had time to scratch the "classical musics" surface but this is defitetly one of my favs.

if church tunes count:

Mahler Symphony No.2

Fausto Romitelli , representative of so called Spectral music:

I suggest: The Nameless City

LUigi Nono's "La fabbrica illuminata", is possibly one of the creepiest and best piece of contemporary music. I have witnessed an outstanding interpretation of it during the last Ars electronica festival in Linz in an ex tobacco factory in almost complete darkness. It really moved me.

Looking forward for Mikko's interpretation.
I have been using plenty of orchestral samples in the past, but trying to dehumanize them as most possible. At the moment I am more interested into ethnical sounds from mediterranean/slavic area.
Stat rosa pristina nomine, Nomina nuda tenemus -------,--'-{@
Punk is not dead;Goth is undead
Abbassa i vicini che disturbano il volume!
La vita è troppo corta per musica noiosa
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Iscritto il: mar lug 31, 2007 8:08 am

Re: Musica classica

Messaggioda Fedemone » gio apr 14, 2011 12:11 pm

Chopin's "Funeral March", from Piano Sonata No. 2, and Berlioz' "March to the Scaffold" from Symphonie Fantastique

Iancu Dumitrescu is more contemporary and along remotely similar lines. I have several discs by him (and Ana-Maria Avram), and they're all high quality, interesting, powerful works. He's about as consistent as I've found. Minimalist density. One of those who gives the old hi-fi a workout. I think #1003 was my introduction to them. Reminds me of a classical composer riding the rails with David Jackman.

György Ligeti
Sofia Gubaidulina

Franz Schubert managed composing some really sombre & brooding Lieder, like "Doppelgänger" - (the Pestdemon tape Doppelgänger is of course more than slightly inspired by this piece).

Chopin's prelude in C minor, which you all know from a certain Italian movie: ... re=related (played by some guy, not recording)

Surprised no-one's mentioned Alfred Schnittke & his Requiem. His drifting in and out between minor and major tonality really messes with your ears, very dubious... - Credo, with a nice drum beat. The deeply religious do it best.

Shostakovich, only getting bleaker and bleaker as the years progressed in Soviet until the '70s. This one is pretty classic, but still very doomy, far from uplifting..! ... re=related
Some of his symphonies are rather heavy as well, I think no.7 ("Leningrad Symphony"), second or third movement, very war-like with this menacing snare ostinato...

Krzysztof Penderecki: This is heavy as hell & same composer for THE EXORCIST and THE SHINING: ... re=related ... re=related

from THE EXORCIST soundtrack (I can't find an easy free d/l for complete sndtrk): ... re=related ... re=related

Bela Bartok: ... re=related

Hugues Dufourt's "Saturne", for orchestra and electronics.
Hugues Dufourt "LäAfrique et LäAsie d'apres Tiepolo"

Gustav Holst - The Planets - Mars, the Bringer of War

Allan Pettersson's 6 & 7th symphonies are worth mentioning
Stat rosa pristina nomine, Nomina nuda tenemus -------,--'-{@
Punk is not dead;Goth is undead
Abbassa i vicini che disturbano il volume!
La vita è troppo corta per musica noiosa
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Messaggi: 287
Iscritto il: mar lug 31, 2007 8:08 am



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